Social Media Addiction: How To Break The Habit.

Social Media Addiction: How To Break The Habit.

Social Media Addiction: How To Break The Habit.

Make no mistake, social media can be highly addictive. We tend to think that its "kids today" who are addicted to screens. But this is as equally true for adults as well as younger generations. Therefore, our relationship with our social media platforms should be viewed, reflected upon and nurtured just like any other relationship we have or any other activity that shapes our physical, emotional or psychological well being.

In 2021, social media addiction is a thing. Yep. Its a thing. Perhaps the most worrying thing about it though, is that most people are in denial, or have succumbed to and accepted the idea that its ok for their lives to be dictated to by people in Silicon Valley who design the algorithms that make up our news feeds and have us scrolling aimlessly and endlessly. Most research states that on average, people are on social media for between 2 and 3 hours per day. That's. A. Lot. 30 minutes per day is considered optimal for mental health.

However, there are several things that can be done to help quickly and effectively reduce time spent on social media. See our tips below:

    • Disable notifications from social media: Most people check into social media mindlessly, so put a small barrier in the way by turning off notifications. If you don't see a social media icon or alert every time you pick up your phone, you're less likely to spend time there. 
    • Set limits and stick to them. Most phones and tablets allow you to see the time you've spent on certain apps. Set a limit for your time spent on social media and stick to it, or use an app that blocks social media after you've hit your limit. For children, the American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends that social media use not interfere with activities like family meals, exercise, or "unplugged downtime."
    • Delete Social Media Accounts You Don't Use. Digitally declutter your life!
    • Go Cold Turkey. Depending on how bad things have gotten, it might be time to go cold turkey. If you're spending more time on social media than you are interacting with people in real life, give yourself a reality check by having a holiday from social media. Decide how long it's going to be, inform your friends online how long you'll be away and how they can reach you if they need you in person, and delete your apps. If you normally spend two hours on social media per day, you will have an extra fourteen hours per week which are totally free to do whatever you want with – let the world be your your wifi-free oyster.